
Tuesday 28 May 2024

Suburban Killbot Year 12

In my last yearly update I said I was working on a new book but I wasn’t sure if it was a very good idea or not. And, honestly, I’m still not sure, but I’ve kept working on it and I now have a pretty solid start to build upon.

In other news I recently decided to try out Nintendo Switch Online. For the price, it’s pretty great value. There’s a lot of games on there I’ve played in the past but would like to replay without the hassle of setting up an old console. And, more importantly, there’s a lot of classic, older games on there I’ve never played but would like to give a spin.

I haven’t had enough time recently to really get stuck into anything but if I do, I might do some retro reviews of games I’m playing for the first time.

As usual, here’s my updated mosaic of my top rated games –

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