
Saturday 12 November 2022

Now Watching: Thor: Love and Thunder

Thor: Love and Thunder may just be the worst Marvel movie I’ve seen and I’ve seen The Eternals. I can’t think of a single thing right with Love and Thunder. Not a single thing worth keeping if they were to take another crack at it. No. It’s all got to go. It’s all terrible. Scrap everything, and start over.

Love and Thunder doesn’t even feel like a real movie. It feels like a series of cheap, unfunny Saturday Night Live skits. Nobody seems to care. It’s like the whole thing is one big joke. Do you remember those spoof movie clips they’d do at the MTV Movie Awards? Where’d they’d insert a comedic actor into a serious scene? Do they still do that? Are the MTV Movie Awards still a thing?

I don’t know, but that’s how I felt all throughout Love and Thunder. Like I was watching a spoof movie skit. And not a good spoof movie skit. A really, really bad one. Love and Thunder is a farce. A complete and total farce. Whereas Thor: Ragnarok struck the right balance between comedy, drama and action, Love and Thunder suffers almost immediately from tonal whiplash.

The movie opens with a sombre, serious scene but then transitions into a completely ridiculous, MTV level spoof. ‘Haha! I’m an arsehole God and I will throw fruit at you, you pathetic mortal! But please don’t pick up that God-killing sword that’s on the ground right next to you, haha!’

If I didn’t know better, I’d think Christian Bale as Gorr (who at least tries, I guess, to give a somewhat nuanced performance) and the stupid God weren’t actually in the same scene. It was like watching one of those MTV spoof clips. I had a similar reaction to the Thor confronts Zeus scene. It was like Russell Crowe was in the cheap, MTV sketch spliced into the real movie.

Chris Hemsworth has shown he’s great at comedy and Thor can be a funny character – with the right script. Ragnarok was comedic, but it didn’t lose sight of who Thor is. Even ‘fat Thor’ in Endgame wasn’t just played for cheap laughs – we saw a hero struggling with guilt, loss and remorse. In Love and Thunder, Thor is written like Homer Simpson. He’s a complete f**king idiot.

The Guardians of the Galaxy, I’m pleased to say, f**k off out of the movie almost immediately – they’re far too good for this steaming pile of trash. And after another total farce of an action scene, we’re back to sombre and serious with Jane Foster on a chemo ward.

The movie, structurally, is a complete mess with a series of disconnected scenes that all feel like individual spoof skits, none of which are funny. I’m not sure of the exact moment I realised how bad Love and Thunder is – it was either the moment Valkyrie (who feels like an entirely different character) pulls out a portable speaker or the so f**king terrible effect of Heimdall’s son (?) contacting Thor as a floating head.

That kid’s name is Axl, by the way, because Love and Thunder also seems obsessed with playing Guns N’ Roses tracks all throughout the movie. I guess that’s one way to try to cover up your terrible script and trick idiots into thinking your action scenes pack any kind of excitement or emotional stakes. Nah, just slap some Guns N’ Roses over it, that’ll make it look cool, right?

Love and Thunder feels like a movie where they came up with the title and the soundtrack and just worked backwards from there. It feels like a movie that nobody wanted to make, so they made it as bad as possible to see what they could get away with. Is that what Taika Waititi was doing? Intentionally sabotaging his own movie?

Maybe. Or maybe Love and Thunder is a perfect example of a director who’s gotten high sniffing their own farts and desperately needs to be reeled in. Did nobody at Marvel Studios read the f**king script? Did nobody realise how f**king bad this was before they started shooting? Some of the CGI is bad but I don’t really care about that because that’s not what’s wrong with the movie.

The characters are terribly written. The tone is a complete mess. The structure and pacing is awful. The action sucks. The jokes aren’t funny. I can’t believe how bad this movie is. The Marvel movies, at their worst, are at least still somewhat competent. This doesn’t even come close to competent. It’s a joke of a movie. I’m going to try to erase it from my memory. I’d rather watch Thor 2 again than this garbage.


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