
Wednesday 9 October 2024

Now Playing: Shattered Space (DLC)

Shattered Space is the first but hopefully not the last content expansion for Starfield. The DLC begins with an excellent opening mission upon a mysterious space station which then leads to your arrival upon Var’uun’kai – homeworld of House Va’ruun.

House Va’ruun is a faction that you encounter (sort of) throughout the base game but one that isn’t explored to any great degree. It’s a religious cult as much as it is a faction, driven by a belief in a ‘Great Serpent’ – a celestial being that will one day consume the universe.

I say you ‘sort of’ encounter House Va’ruun in the base game because you kind of don’t – you mostly just fight against the Zealots – a rebel group that was cast out of House Va’ruun that wishes to continue a bloody crusade against the non-believers. You do, however, also meet Andreja, one of the Constellation companions, through whom you can learn a little more about the secretive House.

As someone who was interested in learning more about House Va’ruun, a DLC that focuses entirely upon that faction is a very welcome addition. Of course, if you’re someone who wasn’t very interested in House Va’ruun then you might not feel the same way.

You arrive on Var’uun’kai at the city of Dazra where a terrible event has occurred. More than half the city has been destroyed in some kind of failed experiment. That’s one of the interesting things about House Va’ruun – despite their strong religious beliefs, they’re also a very technologically advanced faction and they utilise that technology in an attempt to bring them closer to their God.

Only in this case, things didn’t exactly go to plan and most of the city has been lost, thousands are presumed dead and hostile ‘phantoms’ have begun to appear amidst the ruins. Your unexpected arrival may be seen as either the ‘Will of the Great Serpent’ or a fortunate coincidence but either way, the people of Dazra need your help.

Some, you’ll come to learn, are more devout than others. Some put all their stock in faith, but others are more, shall we say . . . practical. Not everyone likes the idea of an outsider helping Dazra despite the calamity, so in order to do so you need to join the kooky cult yourself by undertaking a ritual. You can take it seriously if you want, or just play along and see it as a means to an end.

I think the DLC does a great job of fleshing out House Va’ruun. They may all worship the Great Serpent but they’re not a monolith – House Va’ruun is made up of three Houses, but even these Houses are made up of various characters with conflicting views. As someone who really likes the universe of Starfield, I loved exploring Dazra and speaking to everyone, learning about them, their culture, history, customs and beliefs.

There’s a lot of optional dialogue that allows you to delve deeply into Va’ruun society – and there’s also some very interesting audio logs you can uncover towards the very end of the main quest that sheds yet more light on the origins of the faction. But it’s not all stale exposition – you’ll learn a lot more from the personal experiences shared by the people you help.

There’s eight main quests that should take about 6-8 hours to complete, depending upon your style of play. It’s comparable in length to the other faction quests within Starfield such as the UC Vanguard or the Crimson Fleet. It’s got some excellent quests and a very intense final quest that might just be the most action packed quest in the entire game – not to mention, the most challenging. I’m glad I upgraded all my weapons and equipment before starting this DLC!

Outside the main quest (through which you may also gain the opportunity to recruit two new crew characters) you also get eleven side quests. All of these are very good with the exception of one – you’re tasked with helping two scientists and although it’s interesting to speak with them and learn how they reconcile their scientific and religious beliefs, their actual quest is just a series of very dull fetch quests.

I get the intention – to get you out exploring around Dazra – but honestly, the game didn’t need it. Thankfully, the other ten side quests are all very good if not great. There’s a few in particular that should be regarded as among the best in the game. These aren’t typically single quests, but small quest chains, many of which have different possible outcomes based on what you do.

There’s one quest in particular in which I think a lot of people will miss out on one of its endings because it requires you to actually listen to dialogue and read notes / logs you find rather than just blindly follow the quest marker from A to B. There’s a whole part of it that doesn’t appear in your quest log, that isn’t marked, and it’s up to you to actually do the work and figure it out yourself.

It’s so easy to just mindlessly follow a marker, skipping all dialogue or not reading logs and this quest is a welcome change of pace. And whilst there is a lot of combat in the DLC, some of the best content has little to none – another welcome change.

The area immediately around Dazra has plenty of new, unique points of interest to explore. Some of these you’ll visit as part of the side or main quests, but others are just there for you to explore for fun – my favourite being a cave full of treasure hunting space bandits that feels like it’s straight out of Skyrim.

Speaking of Skyrim, this DLC is a return to what a lot of people were saying they wanted from Starfield – a more focused experience set within a single location with lots of handcrafted content to explore, all within easy reach. Well, that’s exactly what this DLC delivers, although I have my doubts it will win over the naysayers because it is, ultimately, still more Starfield, and if you didn’t like it before, I doubt you’ll like it now.

I think this return to a more ‘traditional’ Bethesda structure may also put some other fans of Starfield off. Because I think a lot of people like the fact that Starfield is structured differently to other Bethesda titles – that it’s not just ‘Skyrim in space’. And I’m one of them. I like travelling to different planets and new locations all across the Settled Systems. But you never leave Dazra (or the area immediately surrounding Dazra) at any point during this DLC.

That’s a real shame, because I was hoping for at least one space combat mission because I really like the space combat in Starfield. But no. There’s nothing. Once you park your ship, that’s it until you’re done and want to leave. There’s also – and this is an even bigger disappointment for me – no new ship parts. Seriously?

This DLC was an opportunity to give House Va’ruun their own unique ship designs and parts that the player could then get access to. As someone who loves Starfield ship building, I was kind of annoyed about the DLC lacking this. There’s also not a great deal of new weapons or equipment. There’s some, but it really needed a little more.

Starfield is a game that’s great at letting you focus on what aspects are important to you – quests, exploration, outposts or ships – and you can engage with all these elements as much or as little as you please. So when a piece of DLC doesn’t give equal measure to all these aspects, you’re undoubtedly going to see some disappointment.

As I said, if you don’t care about House Va’ruun or Starfield ‘lore’ you won’t get as much out of this DLC as I did. But if you’re also someone who couldn’t give a shit about ship building like I do, then the lack of new ship parts probably won’t even cross your mind. If you do, however, love ship or outpost building – if it’s the main thing you love and spend your time doing in the game – then there’s really nothing here for you.

I do think that’s why I’ve seen such a mixed bag of reviews for Shattered Space. It’s not a DLC that caters to all types of Starfield fans or how they prefer to play, and it’s not a DLC that’s going to change the minds of anyone who didn’t like the base game.

Visually, this DLC is gorgeous to look at, utilising a colour palette not seen anywhere else within the game. The recent updates to lighting in the base game also continue to impress here with – like the base game – some of the most detailed and impressive interiors you’ll see in any game.

The only other point to touch upon with regard to this DLC is the price – £25.99 – which I feel is a little steep. It took me about 18 hours to finish everything within the DLC and that’s a pretty decent amount of content – and good quality content – but I feel like a 19.99 release price might have been a little more on the mark. It’s a DLC I’d recommend any fan of Starfield to pick up – provided you don’t just play it to build ships or outposts, at least – but if you didn’t get it as part of the deluxe edition like I did, you might want to wait for a sale.

Overall, Shattered Space is a very good expansion to Starfield that’s just a little held back by a lack of content with regard to new items, outpost and ship parts and a total lack of space combat. But there are also some of the best quests in the game to be found here and a lot of cool lore for those of us into that sort of thing.


Friday 27 September 2024

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BETA)

I’ve not bought a Call of Duty game since Modern Warfare 2. Every time I see a new one I just think ‘I can just play MW2 again’. The multiplayer may be dead, but the campaign is still super fun and the Spec Ops mode is fantastic with a friend. I do keep trying them though, which is why I wanted to give Black Ops 6 a shot.

And sure enough it’s . . . more Call of Duty. The years go by and the names may change but Call of Duty stays the same. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? Black Ops 6 is fast, frantic and utterly chaotic. The maps range from small to absolutely tiny. One map is essentially just a big open room. It’s not unusual to die almost immediately upon spawn because of how fast and easy it is for players to circle the map and come around behind you.

And you can do the same to them. So many times I’d see two or three enemies just spawn in before me and I’d mercilessly mow them down. But so what, right? It happens to them and it happens to you. Within seconds you’re back in the match and within seconds you’re dead again. Sometimes you’ll go on a streak, but it feels more like luck than skill or good judgement.

The maps are quite open, so you’re often going to get shot from about seventeen different directions at once. And because they’re all so small, there’s no real sense of order or flow to a map. No aggressive pushes forward or tactical retreats. No tactics at all, really. Everyone just runs around (or falls around in this case) shooting everything that moves and tossing grenades about like candy.

Why not toss them? Even if you can’t see the enemy the maps are so tiny that you’ll probably hit something. I killed dozens of enemy players with totally blind grenade tosses just out of pure luck. When the maps are this small, you can’t really miss.

It’s pure chaos. Is it fun? Sort of, I suppose. But I only played the Beta for about 5 hours before I gave up on it. Not because it was bad, as such. I guess I just didn’t find the matches particularly satisfying. Win or lose, none of it feels like it really matters. Everything happens so fast and feels so random that even if you play well you just don’t feel any sense of accomplishment.

You get your XP. You get your level up and unlocks. Everything is instantly forgotten and you move onto the next. It’s like the takeaway junk food of gaming. I’m actually surprised how well I did during a lot of my matches considering I’ve not played any competitive shooter, let alone a CoD game for years.

But like I said, I didn’t really feel like I’d done well because so many of my kills felt more like luck. A few times I got the ‘play of the match’ or whatever but like so many others I saw, it’s only because I was fortunate and killed three or four players looking the wrong way in a row. That’s not good play, it’s just a tiny map in which I got lucky with my spawn and they got unlucky with theirs.

I was also kind of confused by the player and weapon skins. I thought this game was set during the Gulf War? So why do I have what looks like a zombie in riot gear on my team? And why does that guy have a purple glowy gun? What the f**k is going on? I guess this is normal now? Is this CoD now? What happened to period appropriate weapons and team skins? I guess the weapons (skins aside) seem okay. But why did I just kill a bloody cyborg?

It feels like CoD has evolved into something far beyond what I recall. It’s now a service platform as much as it is a game. I found that out when I wanted to download the beta and discovered I first needed to download the Call of Duty platform application, through which I then had to set up an Activision Account, and then I had to pick the Black Ops 6 Beta from within that app, in order to launch the separate Black Ops 6 app and . . . f**king hell it never used to be this tedious.

I can’t say I didn’t have any fun with this beta, but CoD – the multiplayer at least – has clearly evolved into something I’m just not very engaged by. Win or lose. Kill or die. None of it feels like it matters. The new ‘omni-movement’ or whatever just results in everyone pointlessly throwing themselves to the ground every few seconds. That was fine with me – I just stayed on my feet and shot them. The kids really seem to love it though given what I heard through the open mics before I blanket muted everybody.

Sunday 22 September 2024

Now Playing: Rally Adventure & Hot Wheels (DLC)

Rally Adventure and Hot Wheels are the two DLC expansions for Fora Horizon 5. I’ve been wanting to jump back into Forza 5 for some time, so picking up these expansions in the recent Steam sale gave me the perfect excuse. I decided to start over, entirely from scratch, so it took me some time to work back up to this new content but I had a real blast doing so.

So let’s start with Rally Adventure. You’re transported to a new map and can join three ‘teams’ each of which feature their own races, PR stunts and challenges. As you complete each level of content for each team, you’ll earn reputation which will then unlock the next. It’s a decent if somewhat repetitive structure, and that repetition is made worse by the way the races work.

Every race has two modes – the standard race and the new ‘rally’ mode which is a time trial in which you’re racing against the clock. You get your own co-driver who calls out the twists, turns and jumps which gave me a nice Sega Rally nostalgia rush. Easy right!

There’s not really a ‘proper’ rally mode in the base game, so I think this was a nice addition even if it still, I must admit, doesn’t really feel like proper rallying. It’s like they tried to crowbar a rally game into Forza 5 which doesn’t quite work but it works well enough that it’s still pretty fun.

But if you want to clear all the challenges in Rally Adventure you’ll need to play each race at least twice – once in rally mode, the other in race. That does get a little tedious, although it is also optional. The other content in the form of new PR stunts and challenges are all fine, but you’ll likely clear them all pretty easily and then immediately forget about them.

I don’t have much more to say about Rally Adventure. It’s a fine but I wouldn’t say required addition to the game, not unless you really want a more dedicated (sort of) rally mode in Forza 5. If you don’t have any interest in the rally stuff though then it’s probably worth skipping.


Hot Wheels on the other hand is a DLC I’d recommend any fan of the base game to pick up. It’s some of the most fun you can have in Forza 5 as it totally embraces the arcade racing aspect with track designs that simply aren’t possible in the more ‘realistic’ base game setting.

I’m talking about tracks that loop and corkscrew, speed boosting pads and even water slides. Races in Hot Wheels are all about speed and pushing the limits of how fast you can go. You begin with a series of B Class races and ‘missions’ which in turn unlock A class content and then S1 and S2.

It’s kind of similar to the structure of Rally Adventure in that every tier of content has its own set of races, PR stunts and challenges, but I’d say these are better paced here as there’s more variety and less repetition. And of course, these tracks which are so fast and wild, full of loops, twists and turns breathe a lot of fresh life into the Forza 5 racing experience. They offer something truly different to the base game, which isn’t something Rally Adventure quite managed to do.

There’s a new series of ‘story’ missions in which you’ll learn far more about the Hot Wheels brand than you ever wanted to know. It’s kind of interesting, I guess, but you still feel like you’re being advertised to as you play. There’s new Hot Wheels specific cars to unlock which is cool, although I tended to stick to my own custom range of vehicles.

The only real issue I have with this DLC is how buggy it is compared to both Rally Adventure and the base game. I had multiple crashes during my time with it, including an irritating crash whenever I tried to open the map directly rather than through the menu. It also locked me out of online racing / tour content for no apparent reason at one point.

Despite those annoying issues, Hot Wheels is still a DLC I’d easily recommend any fan of the base game to pick up – but like with Rally Adventure, maybe wait for a sale.


Tuesday 17 September 2024

Final Fantasy XVI (Demo)

I didn’t pay much attention to Final Fantasy XVI when it originally released on PS5 as I knew the PC version would arrive some time later. I’d seen it receive a pretty positive reception though (87 on metacritic) and as one of the seven people who really liked Final Fantasy XV, I thought I might like this one too.

But then I played this demo and . . . what the f**k? The demo opens with someone talking a load of old bollocks which I kind of expected for a FF game just as I expected the opening to be somewhat cutscene heavy . . . but not this f**king heavy.

I think I’m a pretty patient gamer but FF XVI broke my limit. I’d guess only about 10 minutes of my first hour playing this demo was actually playing the damn thing. I say ‘playing’ but all that really amounts to is pushing forward on a linear path and getting interrupted by another cutscene every twelve steps.

I wouldn’t mind so much if the cutscenes were at least engaging but I found everything terribly dull. Everything is so over dramatic, overly serious and the characters are so wooden you’ll fear getting a splinter. The game keeps tossing in all kinds of dumb fantasy place names but then hilariously names the player character Clive.

I’m not saying the game can’t be serious I’m saying it just doesn’t work, not when the player has no idea who these people are, where these locations are, why X is fighting Y or why Clive is called Clive. It’s like the game thinks if it just piles all this pompous, expository shit onto the player early it will seem important and make us care but none of it does because it’s all in really dull f**king cutscenes.

Let me play the damn game! Eventually I got to a combat tutorial and a little area I could run about in. It lasted about 5 minutes before another round of cutscenes. After another ten minutes or so of those I eventually got into a proper gameplay sequence where I was fighting goblins and it was incredibly lame. The boss fight at the end of this short section was a little more interesting . . . but not much. I didn’t want to judge the combat too much at this point though because Clive didn’t have many abilities unlocked yet.

But this is also when I started skipping cutscenes to get to the gameplay and at one point I think I skipped six in a row without any gameplay to speak of. I then found myself playing as some dumb kid which thankfully lasted about 3 minutes before more cutscenes I had to skip. Then the kid was a giant fire bird and I had to shoot fire missiles at a monster and it was very dramatic but not at all fun. Then the demo ended.

Or did it? Because I then unlocked another section where I could play as Clive with all his abilities unlocked. I thought maybe, just maybe, this would win me over. But no. F**k no. Even with all the unlocked abilities the combat still wasn’t great. It was flashy for sure, but about as deep as a puddle. It’s like a really bad attempt at a Devil May Cry game. Maybe I wouldn’t have cared so much if everything else was great, but with a plot and characters I couldn’t give a shit about, uninspiring environments and enemy designs and rather lacklustre visuals (at least in the demo) the combat was the only thing that could have got me excited to pick this up.

Okay, maybe this is only a demo and the full game is so much better . . . but I just find that hard to believe. Watching some videos of the full game doesn’t make it look any better . . . just more of the same. I just find it bizarre this game landed on an 87. Is it the brand? F**k me, Forspoken had more engaging combat than this and that game only hit a 64 which was probably fair. It also (based on this demo, at least) had a more original and interesting fantasy setting. So what the f**k is going on?

Monday 9 September 2024

Now Playing: Night Springs (DLC)

Night Springs is the first DLC release for Alan Wake 2. It’s a short, mostly fun addition that’s worth giving a spin if you enjoyed the base game, but I wouldn’t say it’s worth buying the Expansion Pass for on its own – if you don’t already have it, maybe wait for the Lake House DLC to see if that adds more value.

Night Springs is split into three ‘episodes’ each of which involve playing as a different character with each lasting around 30 minutes. The first, in which you play as Rose – Alan Wake’s Number One Fan – is the most amusing as you’re treated to a warped view of reality in which Rose is the hero on a quest to save Alan. A quest that involves shooting a lot of bad guys with a shotgun.

Amusing, but not particularly substantial and like the other episodes, it’s mostly just reusing assets from the base game. The next episode is unfortunately the weakest. You play as Jesse Faden, star of Control, and although it was good to see her again, the episode is mostly just a slow, back and forth slog around the amusement park from the base game as you hunt for the items you need to progress.

There’s a rather terrible attempt at a ‘horror’ section at the end but it’s more annoying than scary and the episode ends pretty abruptly. If you thought Jesse might get to play with some of the powers she acquired in Control then guess again. I guess you could argue that it’s not technically her but I don’t really care. There’s nothing very interesting about this episode in terms of its narrative or how it plays.

Thankfully, the final episode is pretty great in which you play as Sheriff Breaker. It gets very meta and unlike the other episodes, it isn’t entirely reliant upon recycled assets. They’re certainly there in parts, but that’s not all there is and there’s some fun and surprising stuff towards the end.

It’s the strongest episode in terms of narrative and the only one that really feels important within the context of Alan Wake 2 as a whole. The other two episodes feel a little more pointless in that regard, but maybe they’ll turn out to be more relevant in the Lake House DLC.

Overall, Night Springs is worth playing if you liked Alan Wake 2, but I’d say the last episode is the only one that’s ‘essential’ to play. The first is fun and silly, but not really important, and the second just feels like a waste of time. Like I said, if you already have the expansion Pass then there’s no reason not to give it a spin but I wouldn’t buy it just for this. Hopefully the Lake House DLC will offer a more substantial and original piece of content.
